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  • Writer's pictureLauren Bronner

Boosting Conversions: The Power of Call-to-Action in Online Marketing

You may be familiar with what calls to action are. If you are a copywriter, then you absolutely know what they are, and the pieces you write will likely include a CTA.

A call to action, also known as a CTA, is a prompt or instruction designed to encourage an immediate response or specific action from an audience.

As copywriters, we are creating content that is geared towards persuading the audience to take action.

A good call to action can do a lot of the work for you with your writing. A good call to action will grab the readers attention and have them wanting more.

When we think about CTAs in the context of marketing, advertising, or communication, a call to action is typically used to prompt the audience to take a particular step that leads to further engagement, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or sharing content.

CTAs are commonly found in various forms, including buttons, links, or statements that clearly convey what action the viewer or reader should take.

Effective CTAs are often concise, compelling, and create a sense of urgency or importance to motivate the audience to act promptly.

Now that you know what a CTA is and the purpose it serves, you will find yourself noticing CTAs everywhere. You will be able to identify good ones and ones that are not as good.

Keep in mind that the goal is to guide individuals through the desired conversion process and move them further down the sales or engagement funnel.

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