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  • Writer's pictureLauren Bronner

Conquering the Inner Critic: It's Time to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

We all know that nagging voice that tells us what we can't do. It's time to silence it and show the world and yourself what you can do.

You're never going to be as good as so and so."

"Who do you think you are calling yourself an entrepreneur?"

"I am not going to reach out to this client. They are going to know that I am a brand new business owner."

"Maybe I will start my business a little later. I have so many other things to get ready for."

If you have had any of these thoughts, just know that you are not alone. These thoughts may have kept you from starting your business, and if they didn't keep you from starting your business, they may keep you from furthering your business.

It is indeed a vicious cycle to be caught in a mindset that tells you that you are not capable.

For 2024, can we make a deal to stop the mind games and just do the dang thing?!

Mental barriers are forever going to be there.

But YOU can put them in their rightful place.

Tip #1 - Separate feelings from facts

Feelings are fickle. They change with the weather. Sometimes they can be a good gauge of things, but sometimes they are waaaaay off.

Challenge negative thoughts and self-doubt by objectively evaluating your accomplishments and capabilities. Look at the evidence of your success and try to separate your feelings of inadequacy from the reality of your achievements.

Tip #2 - Set Realistic Goals

Break down your goals into smaller, more achievable tasks. Celebrate your successes along the way, and don't be too hard on yourself if things don't go perfectly. Setting realistic goals helps build confidence and combat feelings of inadequacy. Do you want to land your dream client or customer within a week of starting? Maybe. Is it likely that will happen? Depends. But being truthful and honest with your goals will help you set ones that are attainable.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Tip #3 - Focus on Learning

Learn how to be a student. Sure, there are countless others doing the same thing you are doing. There are some who have more skin in the game than you do. Does that mean you aren't capable? Certainly not. What it does mean is that you have an opportunity to learn from others. Embrace a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Instead of fearing failure, see it as a natural part of the learning process. Understand that everyone makes mistakes and encounters setbacks.

Tip #4 - Remember WHY YOU STARTED in the first place

It is likely you started your business because you had a dream, a goal, or a vision. You may have seen a need for the exact service that you offer. Recall that reason when you feel yourself being led down a path of doubt. Dig deep and find that hunger that you had the first day you started or the joy you felt when your dream client or customer reached out to you.


Keep in mind

Remember that overcoming imposter syndrome is an ongoing process. You may not struggle during certain seasons of life, only for those negative thoughts to come back with vengeance in a week.

It's normal to have moments of self-doubt.

Be patient with yourself, and continue to work on building your confidence and recognizing your worth.

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